Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Love of God...

Hello fellow blogger, the inspiration of this blog actually is the word, 'LOVE'.

The Love of God is sooo far reaching, that it touches far beyond the depth of our inner souls.
It carves into the spiritual Beings that we think we are but can not conceive;
It burrows into every fibre of our thoughts and finds our truer selves;
It reveals to us and to everyone else the raw basic human that we would like to keep hidden from the world's eyes in fear of vulnerability.

The strength of the 'Love of God', leaves in It's trail the mended hearts that were broken;
Pieced together lives that were once shattered;
Blinded eyes that are now opened;
Scares evident of healed once torn wounds; and in the path of the 'Love of God',
His love leaves the once lost, with a light to find there way to a better, more meaningful and fulfilled life.

Our love , how ever meaningful have never and will never have the strength or the sorce of energy (unless tapped into God's Love) to bring healing to a broken heart or
Make the captive to be made free or
Send inspiration to the uninspired.
It is God's job and he does it well; but he sometimes silicit man's help so that we can have a reason To Be. Not that our indiviual heart's help is required but it is an assessory to an already perfect concept.

So Learn, Live, Love and Let God's Love bring you to a state of euphoria higher than the highest Heavens.


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