Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Why Men Fall

Recently I have been going through something that took all the Holy Ghost in me to follow my consistency through. I've never deliberately decide to do wrong, or not follow through to the end of a thing, or NOT follow the RULES. I loss site of my REASON, site of my WHY, ministry and the cares of this life wore me out and I had loss site of my OUTLET, the way I let off steam. Yes, I am a Minister with a busy Pastor for a Husband.
 It was an experience that I hope I never encounter again; but I learn a valuable lesson, ' Don't EVER think that you have reach a place in God that you can not be touched by the mundane things of life.
     We see everyday on the news Pastors, Bishops, Men and Women of God falling from the place of grace, if you look at their outlet(the way they live, the way they interact with their family), they have become 'Super Man'; the 'Hero'. Everyone has to be saved; my family understands; I have to do the will of God. Not thinking that the family(Wife/Husband) stays because they feel guilty that for you it is either them or God, WHO wants to feel or know or be THAT SELFISH to take you away from the presence of God; so they stay hoping God will let 'The Anointed One' see the pain that They carry. How dare you want to take time away from the presence of God for your own selfish reasons; But lets be frank here, We may be Spiritual, but sooo help me God, we are still living a natural experience. If we were not, we would have been ghost or caught up like Enoch.
We wonder about Pastors' Kids, We, yes we(I also was a Pastor's Kid, so I know the feeling), get loss in the midst of everyone trying to find themselves in God. So this thing with My Husband, was ooohhh such a familiar place. We think about the Pastor, we think about how his wife feels, sometimes, then we ragg on the kids, because they 'should know better'; we never suppose that Parents are so busy teaching others that they expect the kids to pick it up as they go along, just because of who their parents are. Think again.
Who will reach 'The Pastor Kid' if he can not reach them? In the mind of a Pastor Kid, 'What am I going to do with a God who takes Fathers and Mothers AWAY from their children. When they are gone, well they are gone, and when they are home, well they are gone.'
The Church is built on families. What God wants you to save the World and lose YOUR Family.
This is how it should be:

  1. GOD
  2. Your Family/You
  3. The Church
  4. Others
Without the Family their is no Church.
For example: I know a Pastor who told his wife, 'It is God, the Church, the People, the Kids then you.' His wife(who worked and took care of everything, because he did not) was not allowed to ride in his truck(that she paid for), or in his office, unless to clean it...suffice it to say, they have been divorced ten(10)years, kids are now recovering from the regular run-of-the-mill 'Divorce kids syndrome', and he married his Assistant and are now separated for the same reasons.
When their flesh catches up with the spiritual body and family is not around, then any or the closest person (normally an Assistant or fellow in the Gospel), receives the emotions that has been stored up.   

I counsel people EVERYDAY about things that they have done that destroyed their lives, changing the course of their future; Not expecting it to hit me in the face with life changing challenge. I thank God for sending me a friend that is a true 'God Person', that made me see my own advise and did not judge me for feeling.

Man of God, Woman of God, find a way to make time for YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY or they will be SOMEONE ELSE'S. COUNT THE COST OF THE CALL BEFORE YOU ANSWER. When JOSEPH said 'HERE AM I' he did not expect to be sold into Slavery; When SAMUEL said, 'HERE AM I' he did not know he would anoint the first KING of Y'isra'El; When YESHUA (JESUS) said 'HERE AM I', contrary to popular belief, he did not know that he was going to be tortured and hung in the most degrading way known to man; When we say 'HERE AM I' we MUST COUNT UP ALL THE COST. Will you giveup your JOB; FAMILY; HOUSE; BUSINESS... WE DON'T THINK...
God wants YOU to be LIKE HIS SON, if you say 'YES', the be prepared for the UNIMAGINABLE; The UNKNOWN; The UNEXPECTED; The UNBELIEVABLE. Then you will be prepared for the SURFACE of WHERE GOD WANTS TO TAKE YOU... BUT MAKE YOURSELF AVAILABLE TO YOUR FAMILY.

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